Mapping problem

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Mapping problem

Post by karonstewart » Mon Jul 25, 2016 8:41 am

I have a flight request from New Orleans to Deltona, Florida. The map shows the flight going over water for the most part and skipping viable cities where pilots are and potentially notified. I have been trying to get this flight filled for 3 weeks and feel that the mapping on this is totally wrong. Any way that this can be fixed?

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Re: Mapping problem

Post by mikegreen » Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:12 pm

Not really at this point. It isn't something we address for given the limited scenarios for it.

I'd recommend creating two trips with a logic stopping point, like 200-250 miles, if you want the folks along the route to be notifed.
part time forum, maps, and web server jockey with occasional flying